How can Performance Planner serve your business?
By finding areas of your total budget that could contribute to marketing By teaching your employees the fundamentals of personal budgeting By determining which of Google’s ads are most appropriate…
By finding areas of your total budget that could contribute to marketing By teaching your employees the fundamentals of personal budgeting By determining which of Google’s ads are most appropriate…
Options and tracking Profit and privacy Credits and context Control and results
Goals and analytics. Loading and site speed. Content and formatting. Length and extensions.
Search, Display, Video, Print, and App Social, Video, App, Audio, and Shopping Ads Search, Display, Video, Shopping, and App Search, Print, TV, Shopping, and App
has a larger font size includes a current promotion is listed after search results includes at least two different colors has a relevant headline
It will bring Bernadette’s website better page rank. Ads from Bernadette’s campaign will appear in traditional media with related content. Her business will have a competitive presence with similar businesses…
Bob’s ad will appear if search terms contain at least one of the keywords or variations of those terms. Bob’s ad will appear if search terms contain at least one…
Bob’s ad will appear if the search terms only contain his brand of television, UtraView1000. Bob’s ad will appear if search terms contain some variation of his keyword, such as…
Bob’s ad will show on searches for television features similar to UltraView1000. Bob’s ad will show on searches for UltraView1000 and additional words before and after. Bob’s ad will show…
Incorporating an image to make the ad more enticing. Making the headline bold to potentially improve the eCTR. Using colors in the message text to improve Quality Score. Adding seasonal…