Where can you see the relationship between references and assets?
Asset report. Traffic sources data. Watch time data. Claims report.
Asset report. Traffic sources data. Watch time data. Claims report.
Block. Track. Monetize. Either Block or Track.
The channel sees a decrease in claim disputes. The channel sees an increase in claim disputes. The channel sees a decrease in claims. The channel sees an increase in watch…
Teaser or sampler. Reference. Composition share. Other sound recordings.
Because conflicts can suspend any revenue generated from the videos in conflict. Because YouTube blocks videos by default during a conflict. Because the rights holders involved in a conflict will…
It helps them plan a tour. It enables them to monetize or otherwise protect their content on YouTube. It helps them announce a new album. It allows them to understand…
Copyright is a set of laws, while Content ID is a tool that helps rights holders exercise their rights on YouTube. Content ID is a set of laws, while copyright…
A video that contains content in the Content ID database. A video that has the same title as another video on YouTube. A channel with one or more similar videos…
The offending video is removed and the channel loses its subscribers. The offending video remains on the channel but is blocked in all countries. The offending video is removed and…
Sound recording and musical composition. Musical composition and dramatic works. Sound recording and visual asset. Lyrics and vocal track.