When targeting a private deal with a news publisher that constantly refreshes the text on the page, which targeting should be avoided?
Time and Day Keyword Geography Demographics
Time and Day Keyword Geography Demographics
Drive offline or in-store sales Raise awareness of my brand or product Behavioral audience targeting Remarket to existing customers
Use Structured Data Files to bulk upload new video line items Convert display line items to video line items, then make inline adjustments to targeting Use the audience composition report,…
Planned spend Frequency capping Performance goal Campaign name
Video and Display TrueView and Video VPAID and VAST Image and HTML5
Submit an IO to your support agent Upload a campaign Structured Data File with “Live” in the status column Set the campaign’s start date to “Today” Select the Activate dropdown…
US Eastern timezone The advertiser’s timezone US Pacific Timezone The user’s timezone
Campaign Settings Partner Settings Insertion Order Default Targeting Line Item Basic Details
Existing line items are uneffected and new line items inherit the new default targeting New line items inherit the new default targeting and existing line items inherit edits to default…
Go into the insertion orders default targeting and use the potential reach metric Generate an audience performance report and select “include only targeted audience lists” Generate an audience composition report…